Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Embrace Positivity

Positivity is optimism, where you feel there is hope in the world...hope in your life... in what your doing... so on and so forth. Positivity is not only being positive when things go well and everything is all good, but also when things fall apart and are just not in your favor. We all need to learn to pick out the positive pieces of the puzzle and even turn negative events or feelings into positive ones.

I remember reading Sean Covey's book: "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and in his book he mentions something along the lines of not letting anyone annoy you and that only you are the one that can cause yourself distress and discomfort. This statement is really powerful if you think about it carefully.

I know and understand that it's extremely hard to maintain your positivity when you are offended by someone or when someone just bothers you somehow but again you have the choice of feeling annoyed or just refraining from thinking of what happened, just ignore and go along with your day. I mean, at the end of the day, that's the better choice and with patience sure comes hope and more positivity. Who doesn't know The Ellen Show? All of us are aware of it and witness regularly that audience members and underprivileged families that stay positive through their tough times and just stay strong and bonded together, end up going through their hard times and rewarded for their patience.

Besides, everyone likes to hangout with people who are positive and look towards the light at the end of the tunnel and not how long and dark the tunnel is. You don't want to chill with a person that just keeps talking and raising subjects about how bad his personal life is, how this guy is really bad and this and that... This friend that keeps talking about all these bad situations will influence you negatively and that is not something you want. I mean, we hangout with friends to feel better and relax.. not to feel even more distressed and disgusted. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying our lives are going to be perfect and not have any negativity to them, but the more we think and make positivity our friend, the more we're going to withstand and get through these dark instances. Small changes like the way we think and the perspective we see things from, cause root enhancements in our lives.

Note: Let's work together on naming some topics with some explanations perhaps, where we could positivity as a cure!


  1. I really like that you are positive and you are always happy! People can learn a lot from this post, I know I did!

    Thanks for those useful tips!!!

    1. Thanks, I really appreciate your positivity!!
