Tuesday 17 February 2015

Celebrate Differences

What do you know about celebrating differences? Should we celebrate our differences or feel bad and not listen to others and their opinions? So often today do we find ourselves not only ignoring other people's opinions and differences because we think we're right and others are wrong, but also fight over issues we find ourselves thinking differently about, some of which could be really silly.

Take the picture above as an example and let's think of it in a non-obvious way. So we see all these different colors coming together to create a beautiful picture. Is that it though? If we think a bit deeper, combining red and green gives a third new color; yellow.You might say, what are you trying to tell us. What I'm trying to say is if we combine our minds together as individuals we can actually come up with new ideas and innovative techniques to solve various issues.

Let's face it, we are stuck with other human beings in this world, all whom are different and unique in some way. Thus, instead of arguing and creating scandals, it is to our benefit to put our minds together, put our differences aside, and combine our strengths and capabilities to face and resolve our weaknesses as well as any issues facing our communities, etc. So next time you're in a meeting or any conversation remember to always accept each other's ideas and opinions and listen, for we are given two ears and one mouth to listen more than we talk.

Note: Have anything else to add to this topic? Please feel free to comment, subscribe, and the share the post with all your friends and family!!

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