Sunday, 1 March 2015

Sources of Motivation

Motivation is such a key aspect and important part of life's puzzle that everyone needs to make use of on a daily basis. Motivation is one of the things that keeps us going in life and pushes us towards achievements and development.

Sources of Motivation 
There are countless sources of motivation one can utilize, ones that are general to any situation and ones that are specific to certain fields etc. In other words, there are a number of motivation sources that help out whether you're an engineer, doctor, business man, or a student. There are other sources which can be made use of in certain situations, not being as general as the other sources.Here I'm going to discuss some of those general sources that fit in anywhere and could be used daily.

1- YOU

Whether you believe it or not, you yourself are your biggest source of motivation most of the time. I say most of the time because sometimes others want you to do a certain task for them, but if you're pursuing something for yourself, then you become your biggest source of inspiration. Read more about this on my "You Are Your Biggest Motivation" post.

2- Family

Family is a big part of our identity and has been so for ages. Parents specifically are a big source of inspiration and a role model for their children through their various achievements. Parents also have much more experience than their children and so their advice is valuable. Check out this in more details on the "Family Members Are There For You" post.

3- Friends

Good friends can be a huge source of motivation. Good friends tend to encourage each other to go for the medal, achieve goals in life, and complete what is important for them.

4- Achievements 

Achievements and good deeds always speak for themselves. How many times have you completed a task or achieved something special and without announcing it you wake up the next day to realize that everyone at University is talking about you and your achievement? Or maybe everyone just has an idea of your project.. Achievements and accomplishments always motivate you to accomplish more and more after seeing the benefits and taste of success.

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