Thursday, 26 February 2015

You Are the Captain of Your Own Ship

Life is full of turbulence and disturbances that we need to learn how to deal and cope with. We need to get enough training on how to steer our own ship - steer it well. This training comes through the different situations and experiences in life, where we learn a new piece of information and become wiser after each struggle and more confident after each victory. Life is full of rules - tough ones and so we need to get accustomed to the rules and play along in the way we see best fit. It's like anything else, we're not gonna master golf from the first hit, we're not gonna master dribbling a basketball the first time we show up at a court, and certainly not gonna steer a ship that easily. 

Life is full of challenges!

Life is just full of tests and situations and we humans naturally learn from our previous lessons and therefore if there are no lessons there is no learning. What I'm saying is we need to experiment in life and get defeated sometimes because this allows us to benefit and learn. If the world was so easy and we had everything we ever wished for, there will be no purpose. The sense of accomplishment is just so empowering and overwhelming that it erases whatever difficulties we faced to reach our goal. However, the key is trying. For there are no accomplishments without trying, falling and getting defeated at times. All you got to do if life beats you down, is jump right back up and try again.

What about those who are born rich?

You might tell me, well some people are just born rich for example. That is definitely true, but they did not taste the sweetness of success. Since everything they have was handed to them on a golden plate, if they don't exercise setting goals and achieving them and just lay down doing nothing they still miss out in other ways.

Thomas Edison scored a touchdown by saying: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." No matter how many times life knocks you over, if you get back up each time, you will eventually succeed. Another one of Edison's amazing quotes among many others is: "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." So the harder you try, the closer you become to your goals and success. Thus, never give up and keep on trying, it's worth it.

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  1. Where do you get these stories from bro?

  2. I think of these topics and then write about them in my own words :D
